I need help with importing a file and converting each line into a list.
An example of the file would look like:
p wfgh 1111 11111 111111
287 48 0
65626 -1818 0
4654 21512 02020 0
The first line beginning with p is a header and the rest are clauses. Each clause line must begin with a series of at least two integers and finish with a zero
thanks in advance
this will give you a list of values (strings) you had in your file, with newlines stripped.
To build a list of only the lines in the file that contain at least two integers and end with a zero, use a regular expression:
You're not providing all the details, but i assume that:
I have to also assume your file may be very big, so reading the entire file in memory, or storing the entire resulting list in memory is not a very good idea.
Here's a quick solution which reads the file line-by-line and uses a generator to yield each line as a list. You can use the entire result as one list if you want, like so:
or you can do as i did in the example call and use each result line as it's read out. You can call this file directly if you're on linux, otherwise just associate it with the python interpreter, and call it with the name of the data file as the first argument, and it'll print the results line by line - this will work even if your file is humongous. You can also just import the file as a module and use the read_data method and use the results in other calculations.
Note that it does some error checking (the header line starts with a p and the data lines end with a 0, and only contain integers), and you probably want to either not do this checking at all, or raise a proper exception when they're encountered.
hope that helps :D