I'm trying to scale/translate a java.awt.Shape with AffineTransform in order to draw it in a defined bounding Rectangle.
Moreover, I want to paint it in a drawing Area having a 'zoom' parameter.
I tried various concatenations of AffineTransform but I couldn't find the correct sequence. For example, the following solution was wrong:
double zoom=(...);/* current zoom */
Rectangle2D viewRect=(...)/** the rectangle where we want to paint the shape */
Shape shape=(...)/* the original shape that should fit in the rectangle viewRect */
Rectangle2D bounds=shape.getBounds2D();
double ratioW=(viewRect.getWidth()/bounds.getWidth());
double ratioH=(viewRect.getHeight()/bounds.getHeight());
AffineTransform transforms[]=
AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(zoom, zoom),
AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(ratioW, ratioH)
AffineTransform tr=new AffineTransform();
for(int i=0;i< transforms.length;++i)
Shape shape2=tr.createTransformedShape(shape);
Any idea about the correct AffineTransform ?
Many thanks
Note that
transformations are concatenated "in the most commonly useful way", which may be regarded as last in, first-out order. The effect can be seen in this example. Given the sequence below, the resultingShape
is first rotated, then scaled and finally translated.Inspired by trashgod's answer, the correct sequence was: