I am trying to loop over a list, which is stored in a dict, which is part of another list. my playbook looks like this:
- hosts: all
- { domain: 'domainname', copy_to: ['/tmp/foo', '/tmp/bar'], restart: [["mailhost", "postfix"], ["mailhost", "dovecot"]] }
- { domain: 'domainname2', copy_to: ['/tmp/foo2', '/tmp/bar2'], restart: [["mail.lxc", "postfix"]] }
- name: Copy Private Key
register: copied_key
copy: src=/etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ item.0.domain }}/privkey.pem dest="{{ item.1 }}/"
- copy_certs
- copy_to
- name: Debug (here should be delegates to "item.restart.NUM.0" to restart "item.restart.NUM.1" with_subelements: ...)
debug: var=item
with_items: copied_key.results
Now i am stack at iterating over the lists, as ansible seems not to support real nesting, but just a few predefined structures for two nested loops.
i would need something like (does not work):
- copied_key.results
- item.domain.restart
or (wrong syntax for subelements):
- copied_key.results
- item.domain
- restart
I already tried to use an redundant list:
domainname: [["mailhost", "postfix"]]
- name: Debug
debug: var=restart_services[item.item.0.domain]
with_items: copied_key.results
as you see it already starts being ugly with item.item
It would need something like
register: [to_restart for to_restart in item['restart']] as services_to_rstart
- debug: var=item # item.0 = hostname item.1 = servicename
with_items: services_to_restart
or if it does not need to be lists to be able to iterate over it even item.hostname
instead of tuples (actually lists).
It would be really good to have some way to specify loops with nesting instead of using premade filters like with_subelements
Have you tried using "with_nested"? You can check out the Ansible documentation.
This might work: