What I'm trying to do I'm trying to get the SFML binding for Python 2.7. 32-bit version of python using windows.
What I've tried
There exe doesn't work because when you click or save the link it returns nothing and says it's missing. I also used PIP to install Cython which I have, though when I try to use PIP to download pysfml, pySFML, python-sfml or sfml-python, pip tells me:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sfml(from versions:)
No matching distribution found for pysfml.
When I try pip install -vvv pysfml
It also tells me that there is no matching distribution for pysfml.
What I'm asking for
How do I download this library? How do I get it to work for python 2.7
Have emailed the main developers of PySFML and they responded with this:
Looks like it's just part of the site overhaul that's on-going and should be resolved soon.