I'm looking for a third-party Oracle Data Provider for .Net (ADO.NET) with a full support of Oracle object types (like geometries). I was foolish enough to use ODP.NET and now I'm paying the price - it's incredibly buggy and I just reached the end of the line (keep crashing IIS Pool - known issue, no resolution). I found dotConnect which is fine, just 4 times slower with object types than ODP.NET. Are any others providers which support Oracle objects?
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In the last release Telerik OpenAccess introduced a flexible type mapping system which allows developers to easily work with custom DB types/UDTs. It ships with support for Geometric/Geographic data, and it is easy to create your own type converter to tell OpenAccess how to map any custom types you may have. The type converters work for all DBs OA supports, one of which is Oracle. :)
Are you aware of the Oracle-published ADO.net provider ? this dll ships with the Oracle CLient, and is named Oracle.DataAccess.dll. The version I am using is ver, and is dtd 2/11/2008.
As I'm looking into working with Oracle database from C#, here is what I can say as an update to this question.
These are the alternatives:
I didn't dig deeper yet, but information is not so easy to find about Oracle connectors, so here is my contribution ;-)
There is also this provider: http://www.datadirect.com/products/net/net_for_oracle/index.ssp . I don't know whether it supports spatial type mdsys.sdo_geometry.