I am trying to apply a range query on a property of the RDF which is of xsd:dateTime
format. This is my query:
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?x WHERE { ?y <DATE:> ?x .
FILTER(?x>"2014-06-05T10:10:10+0530"^^xsd:dateTime) }
It gives warning and nothing as result:
WARN [main] (Log.java:78) - Datatype format exception: "2014-06-11T12:44:22+0530"^^xsd:dateTime
I don't understand what the problem is? I have stored the property in xsd:dateTime
format only.
The simple answer is that no, you have not stored the value as an xsd:dateTime. The standard xsd:dateTime says:
Part of your dateTime matches that, viz.,
. However,When we look below, we see
Your timezone doesn't match that. I think you probably meant
. and thus should haveSure enough, if we use Jena's command line tool