I have the following method on a backbone view defined in coffeescript:
saveObservation: =>
self = @
observation = new Observation(ParentUid: _questionUid, Status: "N/a", Text: "Change to element")
observation.save {
success: ->
error: ->
Observation is extended from Backbone.Model
class Observation extends Backbone.Model
url: ->
The save reaches the server but neither the success nor the error handlers I have defined in the save are getting called after the ajax call has completed.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
Backbone.Model.save takes 2 parameters, the first is a list of properties you're changing, and the second is the callback configuration.
So, if you're not changing any other properties during save, you can just pass an empty object:
The first answer worked for me but with a slight modification. Instead of passing in an empty hash I had to pass in null, otherwise the empty hash is used to set all attributes on the model, replacing any existing attributes and in effect deleting them.
The above is what worked from me, perhaps the api changed since this previous answer was posted?