First post. I'm working on a project for a client where they have pdf files uploaded to a file structure (LAMP Stack) but the files have no extensions on them. Under the assumption that those files have to be PDF how would I get the browsers to understand that, and open them accordingly? Obviously with adding the file extensions this would suddenly work but I can't change the way their system works, it would result in too many changes and they are on a tight deadline. As for saving a temporary copy somewhere, I could do that, but I was hoping for a better solution. Is there a way to suggest to the browsers that they open a file a certain way?
Any thoughts guys/gals?
You can use the following which will prompt the user to save the (PDF) file on their computer.
Notice the different file names.
One is the file that will be uploaded/prompted to the user
, while the other is the file without an extension as set inreadfile('example');
You just set the application type and file name in the headers, like so:
See PHP: stream remote pdf to client browser and Proper MIME media type for PDF files for reference as well.