There is an odoo system with a timesheet module (self-made) in it. I've made 2 groups of search view filters: years and months:
<!--Timesheets-ALL Tab search view-->
<record id="view_tabel_search3" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">tabel.tabel.search3</field>
<field name="model">tabel.tabel</field>
<field name="type">search</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<search string="Checker">
<group expand="0" string="Years">
string="Last year"
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()-relativedelta(years=1)).strftime('%Y-01-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()).strftime(
help = "Shows timesheets for last year"/>
string="Current year"
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()).strftime('%Y-01-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()+relativedelta(years=1)).strftime(
help = "Shows timesheets for current year"/>
string="Next year"
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=', (context_today()+relativedelta(years=1)).strftime('%Y-01-01')),('time_end_t','<=', (context_today()+relativedelt
help = "Shows timesheets for next year"/>
<group expand="0" string="Months">
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()).strftime('%Y-01-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()).strftime('%Y-02-01'))]"
help = "Shows timesheets for january"/>
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()).strftime('%Y-02-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()).strftime('%Y-03-01'))]"
help = "Shows timesheets for february"/>
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()).strftime('%Y-11-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()).strftime('%Y-12-01'))]"
help = "Shows timesheets for november"/>
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' ,(context_today()).strftime('%Y-12-01')), ('time_end_t', '<' , (context_today()+relativedelta(years=1)).strftime(
help = "Shows timesheets for december"/>
<field name="time_start_t" select="True"/>
<field name="id_ank" select="True"/>
time_end_t and time_start_t are dates when our timesheets start and end. As you can see, months itself will show correct timesheets for current year. As well as combination of Current year and any month. But last year and next year obviously won't work because of (context_today()) thing.
The most logic way in my opinion to use time_end_t's year instead of (context_today())'s year (which is current only). But I've got an error (in translation) like
Unable to process the search criteria
name 'time_end_t' is not defined
when I wrote something like this for example:
<field name="time_end_t" />
domain="[('time_end_t', '>=' , time_end_t )]"
help = "Shows timesheets for january (not actually)"/>
But it was defined right above.. Any advice will be highly appreciated!
upd: an example of working code (for Odedra):
<page string="Timesheet's data">
<table style="width:100%;">
<field name="state" widget="statusbar" string="document's status"/>
<field name="time_start_t" string="Timesheet's start date" />
<field name="time_end_t" string="Timesheet's end date" />
<field name="id_division" string="Division" domain="[('enddate','>=',time_start_t),('startdate','<=',time_end_t) ]"/>
<field name="id_ank" string="Tableman" />
<field name="dayall"/>
Everything is OK. When we are using any field on domain than we must register that field. Means we need to define that field at the first line of search view.
Try with this code: