I am trying to do everthing I can in KnockoutJS however I am having a hard time getting this to convert to knockoutjs.
I have an input box that upon enter press I need to call addInputName(). This is kind of the old school way I think to do it. Is there a way to do this all in knockout?
<input id="inputName" onkeypress="addInputName(this, event);" />
<input id="addInputName" type="button" data-bind="event: { click: addInputName }" value="Add" />
self.addInputName = function (inputElement, event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
Why not just wrap the inputs inside a form? Then you can change your HTML to
Then your KO viewmodel looks something like
Custom Bindings @20:05
Look into Custom Bindings. It's an invaluable tool to help get UI logic out of your ViewModel's business logic.