I have a helper method which gets the name of a property defined by a lambda which works as below:
ExpressionUtil.GetName((Thing t) => t.Property); // returns "Property"
I would like to turn this into an extension method so the syntax would be of the form:
((Thing t) => t.Property).GetName(); // wont compile : operator '.' cannot be applies to operand of type 'lambda expression'
However I cant seem to do this as ((Thing t) => t.Property)
is a lambda (not an expression or Func yet). Is there any way to write an extension method which applies directly to a lambda? If not why is this a bad thing to do?
you may create an extension method on an Action at the low cost of having a introducing instantiation. I sometimes use it and the code is readable. The reason this code exists is less elegant, a rotten NAS :-[
Just in case ... even if post not young.
You can't do that, because a lambda expression has no type by itself; its type is determined by the context (e.g. if you assign it to a delegate variable or pass it as an argument to a method).
((Thing t) => t.Property)
doesn't have a type, you can't call an extension method on it, because the compiler doesn't know which extension methods are valid candidates.You can, however, declare a variable and call the extension method on it: