I am working on a basic Rspec test using Capybara that opens a webpage and checks that a string is contained within the home page. The tests require checking eaching of 8 different language sub domains on the sites and I have run into some problems with the special characters in the code.
The following code works:
it "should have an American Home page", :js => true do
visit '/'
page.should have_content('Workforce Management from InVision')
it "should have an English Home page", :js => true do
visit '/uk/'
page.should have_content('Workforce Management from InVision')
The following code DOES NOT WORK
it "should have a Spanish Home page at '/es/callcenter'", :js => true do
visit '/es/'
page.should have_content('Gestión de la plantilla con InVision')
I think that this is in relation to the ó in the word "Gestión". Any ideas how to stop this problem from occurring?
For me
# coding UTF-8
worked. You may also try that.Try adding
# encoding: UTF-8
on the first line of the spec file.