Hello I have the following code but it isn't working as expected, can't figure out what the problem is.
Basically, I'm executing a process (a .NET process) and passing it command line arguments, it is executed successfully by CreateProcess() but CreateProcess() isn't passing the command line arguments
What am I doing wrong here??
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; //This is what we get as an [out] parameter
STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; //This is an [in] parameter
ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo));
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof StartupInfo ; //Only compulsory field
LPTSTR cmdArgs = "name@example.com";
if(CreateProcess("D:\\email\\smtp.exe", cmdArgs,
printf("The process could not be started...");
return 0;
EDIT: Hey one more thing, if I pass my cmdArgs
like this:
// a space as the first character
LPTSTR cmdArgs = " name@example.com";
Then I get the error, then CreateProcess returns TRUE
but my target process isn't executed.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Therefore you can try using
LPTSTR cmdArgs = _tcsdup("name@example.com")
.Another problem is: how does the target process reads the arguments? using argv[0] as application name? Then you shoud append the application name as the first parameter too.
It doesn't look like you are using CreateProcess correctly, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682425%28VS.85%29.aspx.
The command line to be executed. The maximum length of this string is 32,768 characters, including the Unicode terminating null character. If lpApplicationName is NULL, the module name portion of lpCommandLine is limited to MAX_PATH characters.
The lpCommandLine parameter can be NULL. In that case, the function uses the string pointed to by lpApplicationName as the command line.
If both lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine are non-NULL, the null-terminated string pointed to by lpApplicationName specifies the module to execute, and the null-terminated string pointed to by lpCommandLine specifies the command line. The new process can use GetCommandLine to retrieve the entire command line. Console processes written in C can use the argc and argv arguments to parse the command line. Because argv[0] is the module name, C programmers generally repeat the module name as the first token in the command line.
So in your case, you need this as the command argument and should probably pass a NULL for the first parameter to get the behaviour your want.