When I use the INNO wizard I get an *.iss file that contains in its setup section:
<statements not included here}
I then add a procedure in the code section for the generation of an *.ini file to be used as input to my application. The code section contains the following:
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
// Purpose: write an *.ini file
// Used as input to the program to be executed
S: string;
if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
//* Output language entered
S := Format('[%s]'+#13#10, ['LANGUAGE']);
SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\UserInputs.ini'), S, False);
S := Format('language = %s'+#13#10, [ActiveLanguage]);
SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\UserInputs.ini'), S, True);
<code not included here>
//* Output AppId code generated by INNO
S := Format('[%s]'+#13#10, ['REGISTRATION']); // key word
SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\UserInputs.ini'), S, True);
// S := Format(??)
//SaveStringToFile(ExpandConstant('{app}\UserInputs.ini'), S, True);
How can I Format AppId so that S will contain "87E1AD40-F32B-4EF7-A2FF-5B508814068A" [i.e., S := Format(??)]?
If you want to expand certain
section setting in your code, you can use theSetupSetting
preprocessor function. In your question you've mentioned you want to get theAppId
directive value, which you've set to a GUID value including{}
chars, which you want to have stripped on your output. The following script shows how to get theAppId
directive value and how to copy just the part without those enclosing{}