Does anyone knows how to convert decimal notation of an IP address into binary form in Java? Please let me know...
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Gathering your suggestions and some other sources, I found usefull to convert an InetAdress to an array of bit, as well as BitSet, which can help to compute and(), or(), xor() out of your binary representation.
Following sample shows how to convert ip to binary and binary to ip.
You can use the class. Two methods you should look at are getByName and getAddress. Here is a simple code example
The open-source IPAddress Java library can do this for you. It can parse various IP address formats, including either IPv4 or IPv6, and has methods to produce various string formats, including one for binary. Disclaimer: I am the project manager of the IPAddress library.
This code will do it:
The output is:
An IP address written as
can be converted to a 32-bit integer valueusing shift and bit-wise inclusive OR operators as,
To be safe, each of
has valid range0-255
-- you can check that in your conversion.You can further validate the IP address using this regex example.