I have created my Crystal Reports using SQL query in Crystal Reports itself, by passing two parameters, i.e, say for eg:- Month & Year.
While I preview the report, I can able to navigate through all pages by passing different parameters and its working fine, but while viewing the report through browser I can't able to view the current report instead is loads the previously generated report, but while I manually make refresh the crystal page in toolbar I can see the current report, even I can't navigate the current report.
Can anyone help me on this?
Try checking the 'Discard Saved Data When Loading Reports' option.
Should be able to find it here: Right Click/Design/Default Settings/Reporting/Discard Saved Data When Loading Reports
Not sure if that will fix your problem or not but definitely worth a try.
I know its too late for the reply, but I was facing the same problem may be somebody else will go through the same. I applied many hints from different sites including stack-overflow but finally I solved my problem with this code snip..
go to file> save data with report.......
I think it will help you