Ok. These are my problems.
- I need to user regular expressions to filet out everything except for letters and then I need to encase the found words within a $word tag. With this str = str.replaceAll(pattern, "$0");. right now I am filtering all of the right elements (punctuation, numbers etc) but its encasing every letter within each word in an a tag not the word. so how do I use the regular expression to group the letters to a word?
from "(a tag open)t(a close)(a tag open)h(a close)(a tag open)i(a close)(a tag open)s(a close) (a tag open)i(a close)(a tag open)s(a close) (a tag open)w(a close)(a tag open)r(a close)(a tag open)o(a close)(a tag open)n(a close)(a tag open)g(a close)";
to :
"(a tag open)This(a close) (a tag open)is(a close) (a tag open)right(a close)";
then I'm making them clickable and I need to catch the click event and get the position on screen on the clicked word as I want to use the clicked event to make a tool tip show up just below the clicked word. thank you for your help.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
public String text = "This is just a sentence to test you. 23 this is another number23!g?";
public TextView tv;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
text = explode(text);
tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv1);
Spanned article = Html.fromHtml(text, null, null);
public void setHTML(Spanned html) {
SpannableString message = new SpannableString(html.toString());
Object[] spans = html.getSpans(0, html.length(), Object.class);
for (Object span : spans) {
int start = html.getSpanStart(span);
int end = html.getSpanEnd(span);
int flags = html.getSpanFlags(span);
if (span instanceof URLSpan) {
URLSpan urlSpan = (URLSpan) span;
span = new CallbackSpan(urlSpan.getURL());
message.setSpan(span, start, end, flags);
public String explode(String str){
String pattern = "([a-zA-Z])";
str = str.replaceAll(pattern, "<a href=\"$0\">$0</a>");
return str;
private final class CallbackSpan extends ClickableSpan {
private String m_data;
private String url_main;
public CallbackSpan(String url) {
m_data = url.substring(0);
url_main = url;
public void onClick(View view) {
TextView item = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.tv2);
item.setText(url_main + " was clicked.");
Log.d("item", url_main);
Assuming You want click individual words on the textview?. I din't understand the converts all letters to words in your comment.
The below can be used to click on individual works and it is displayed in a toast.
Latest code ,pls see link form github
You need remove origin span before set new span. Please see below
The onClick() of ClickableSpan is not working for URLSpan?
You can capture any span click event by
extends LinkMovementMethod
Edit for "android developer"
It is better way to add Handler property for LinkMovementMethodExt class.
You can capture all Spanned which are delivered as Message object.
Snip code in onTouchEvent method:
You can handler expected spanned in you handler class. May be it is flexible way to handle .
Hope to help you.
Above textview text is
<a href='/a'>aaaa</a>123456<a href='/b'>bbbb</b>7890
I understand you requirement :
Click 'aaaa',you want get it
s href value '/a', click 'bbbb',get it
s href '/b'; Do not trigger default action which is opened in web browser.If my understand is right, you can do like this:
textview.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethodExt.getInstance(handler, URLSpan.class));
In you handler handleMessage method, you can do like this:
Download demo code
How to do?
Step1, get current click span.
Step2, set BackgroundColorSpan for current click span