We have quite a few queries we consider "fire and forget".
In the sense that these are just logging inserts, updates and such. Things that are not as critical, and data from which is never used on the front end the users sees.
This sounds like an ideal case for mysql_unbuffered_query
Is this advisable?
We are using innodb so using something like INSERT DELAYED
is not possible.
After reading http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.buffering.php:
Seem that unbuffered query are usefull only on select, because update, insert and delete have no result set.
I don't see any problem using unbuffered update, insert and delete except this:
So, are last_insert_id and affected_rows a result? I don't belive it, because no mysql_fetch* is done to get these infos.
So, if you experience an improve of performances using unbuffered query, use it!