Does anybody know how to create a media query that would behave like this:
@media screen and (width greater than height){}
@media screen and (height less than width){}
For what is stated in the syntax specification it's not possible to use 'media_feature' as values. Is there any workaround WITHOUT using JavaScript? The closest thing I could get was using aspect-ratio but it was not functional.
You can use an orientation media query:
From the W3C media Queries spec:
But note that it usually make more sense to worry about the actual width than the orientation, see this article on QuirksBlog for details.
Second hit on google:
First part of the example in that page:
<link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 900px)' href='css/medium.css' />
is the same as "height less than" etc..The same goes for height.
@N3dst4 's answer only works if your comparison is 1:1. If you are looking for a something else, you can use
:I used the above snippet to properly scale a 4:3 background image.