I was having this problem in IE7 where the saturdays appear to be missing from the calendar. It displays fine in Firefox and a few people have suggested that it could be my other stylesheets messing it up so i am now using a custom calendar CSS theme and i'm still having the same problem.
Any ideas? is there a known bug with the ajax toolkit pack that is used?
here's a solution:
Great answer from SocialAddict, but it didn't work for me...
My problem was the body/container size.
So here is what cured me:
I also changed my calendar style, (like SocialAddict did), but this style works out of the box.
Asp code:
I have a custom CSS applied to the calendar which i dont think will display well on here, but this is it:
If anyone else has this problem then i recommend setting a wildcard css element at the beginning of your style to blank out all posible padding and margin issues.
This fixes the problem in IE6.IE7 and firefox works fine too.
I had a similar problem and the solution marked as best (by SocialAddict) did not work for me. The core of my problem is that a css class set in a table was causing my calender extender to cut off Saturdays. The solution that worked involved modifying the calender extender's css. Here it is: