I am trying to download a portion of a PDF file (just for testing "Range" header). I requested the server for the bytes (0-24) in Range but still, instead of getting first 25 bytes (a portion) out of the content, I am getting the full length content. Moreover, instead of getting response code as 206 (partial content), I'm getting response code as 200.
Here's my code:
public static void main(String a[]) {
try {
URL url = new URL("http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u21-b11/jdk-7u21-windows-x64.exe?AuthParam=1372502269_599691fc0025a1f2da7723b644f44ece");
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Range", "Bytes=0-24");
System.out.println("Respnse Code: " + urlConnection.getResponseCode());
System.out.println("Content-Length: " + urlConnection.getContentLengthLong());
InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
long size = 0;
while(inputStream.read() != -1 )
System.out.println("Downloaded Size: " + size);
}catch(MalformedURLException mue) {
}catch(IOException ioe) {
Here's the output:
Respnse Code: 200
Content-Length: 94973848
Downloaded Size: 94973848
Thanks in Advance.
If the server supports it (and HTTP 1.1 servers should), only then you can use range requests... and if all you want to do is check, then just send a HEAD request instead of a GET request. Same headers, same everything, just "HEAD" instead of "GET". If you receive a 206 response, you'll know Range is supported, and otherwise you'll get a 200 response.
Try changing following:
as per the spec 14.35.1 Byte Ranges
Similarly, as per the spec 14.5 Accept-Ranges, you can also check whether your server actually supports partial content retrieval or not using following:
You have to connect to url before setRequestProperty
I think the correct header is "Content-Range", not "Range" as you are using.