I'm writing a C# class that runs a Process (REG) to export registry keys. REG requires that you specify a filename to export to but I would rather have the output of REG directed to the standard output so I can capture it directly in my C# code (using Process.StandardOutput). Is there a way in PowerShell to specify the standard output as the filename?
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If you have to use the REG program (rather than use PowerShell to query/dump the registry - or even just do it in the C# program itself), Probably the best you are going to get is to allow it to dump out to a temporary file, then pipe the contents of the file back to standard out and capture it in your C# program that way:
In case you were not aware: Using PowerShell, you can navigate the registry as though it were part of the file system. Perhaps this is helpful in some other regard?
Just use 'CONOUT$' as the file name (as pojnted out in comments, this only works on Windows XP):
There are some UNICODE encoding issues in the output shown here, but you should be able to handle that in the buffer when you parse it.