I understand the the outline is used for accessibility but what's another way of doing:
a {
outline: 0;
something that works in IE7
using Jquery perhaps?
I understand the the outline is used for accessibility but what's another way of doing:
a {
outline: 0;
something that works in IE7
using Jquery perhaps?
now used to
more info http://css-tricks.com/removing-the-dotted-outline/
Updated ie solution is
more info http://www.cssjunction.com/css/remove-dotted-border-in-ie7/
For jquery you can try something like this
It's essentially the same thing as the IE 7 only solution, it says when anchor is focused, blur it. I tried this on Mac VM IE 7 and it works
the top one has the outline and bottom one does not
This works as well using jquery and doesn't mess up the tab order:
I think the _noFocusLine do work in IE7
I found this from here , and I have tried it by myself. Hope this will help you.