I was wondering if any one observed that the time taken to download or upload a file over ftp using Python's ftplib is very large as compared to performing FTP get/put over windows command prompt or using Perl's Net::FTP module.
I created a simple FTP client similar to http://code.activestate.com/recipes/521925-python-ftp-client/ but I am unable to attain the speed which I get when running FTP at the Windows DOS prompt or using perl. Is there something I am missing or is it a problem with the Python ftplib module.
I would really appreciate if you could throw some light as to why I am getting low throughput with Python.
I had a similar issue with the default blocksize of 8192 using FTP_TLS
Increasing the block size increased speed 10x. Thanks @Tanmoy Dube
The problem was with the block size, i was using a block size of 1024 which was too small. After increasing the block size to 250Kb the speeds are similar across all the different platforms.