I'm having a problem with Typescript and Backbone collections. Here's some groundwork:
class BaseChartModel extends Backbone.Model { }
class ScatterPlotModel extends BaseChartModel { }
class BarChartModel extends BaseChartModel { }
class MixedChartCollection extends Backbone.Collection { public model: BaseChartModel; ... }
class ScatterPlotCollection extends Backbone.Collection { public model: ScatterPlotModel; ... }
class BarChartCollection extends Backbone.Collection { public model: BarChartModel; ... }
Then I do the following:
var scatterPlotCollection = new ScatterPlotCollection();
var scatterPlotCollectionXhr = scatterPlotCollection.fetch({...});
var barChartCollection = new BarChartCollection();
var barChartCollectionXhr = barChartCollection.fetch({...});
$.when(scatterPlotCollectionXhr, barChartCollectionXhr).done(() => {
mixedCollection = new MixedChartCollection();
mixedCollection.add(scatterPlotCollection.models, { silent: true });
mixedCollection.add(barChartCollection.models, { silent: true });
chartViewList = new MixedChartViewList({ collection: mixedCollection });
Inside render():
public render(){
var self = this;
(chartModel: BaseChartModel) => {
return this;
public AddChartView(baseChartModel: BaseChartModel) : BaseChartView {
var newChartView: BaseChartView;
if(baseChartModel instanceof ScatterPlotModel){
newChartView = new ScatterPlotView({ model: baseChartModel});
} else if (baseChartModel instanceof BarChartModel){
newChartView = new BarChartView({ model: baseChartModel});
Except instanceof
never evaluates to true because it seems that the 'class type' deriving from Backbone.Model
gets assigned to Backbone.Model.attributes
rather than being an instance of the class itself. I believe this is because when implementing my classes that derive from Backbone.Model I followed this approach and it seems like it may be the reason for this problem. Basically it delegates get/set properties on the TS class to the underlying Backbone.model.get()/set() which in turn sets the values on the attributes
It seems I have to either drop this approach (and hope that was the problem) or figure out a way to do a loosely coupled type check similar to or using instanceof
between the baseChartModel.attributes
object and my class prototype for App.BackBone.Models.ScatterPlotModel
This breakpoint is at the line with instanceof
Any ideas?
I guess I know where a 'bug': somehow declaration
doesn't work;
But, if you will create a collection like this:
Then backbone will be able to create a models as expected.
Why it happens, I don't know :( May be a bug in type definition.
The approach that you are using seems valid enough. I have plugged the following code into the TypeScript playground just to check a few javascript symantics:
This gives the following output:
This must mean that the call
is causing the problem here.
Possibly scatterPlotCollection.models is NOT returning your original objects ( i.e. ScatterPlotModel or BarChartModel ), and is instead just returning [Object object], hence the instance of is failing ?
Hope this helps,