JNI for C using Swig & trouble with function point

2019-07-02 10:09发布

we have a C function in one of the libraries which are loaded in java, which accepts a function pointer

function defination as below

typedef char int8
typedef unsigned short uint16

uint32 poll_broadcasts(void *(pfn)(int8*,uint16));

In C it is used as below

void handle_broadcasts( int8 *broadcast, uint16 length )

uint32 a = poll_broadcasts( (void*(*)(int8*,uint16)) handle_broadcasts )

But when you use Swig to generate JNI wrapper it creates following definition for poll_broadcast

public static long poll_broadcasts(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_unsigned_short__p_void pfn) {
    return TestJNI.poll_broadcasts(SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_char_unsigned_short__p_void.getCPtr(pfn));

As per answer for
How should I write the .i file to wrap callbacks in Java or C#

Tried below


void * data;

typedef void* (*callback_handle_broadcast_t)(int8*, uint16);

static callback_handle_broadcast_t handle_broadcast;

static void set_handle_broadcast(callback_handle_broadcast_t cb, void *userdata) {
    handle_broadcast = cb;
    data = userdata;

Swig interface file Test.i

%module Test

%include "cpointer.i"
%include "carrays.i"
%include "various.i"
%include "arrays_java.i"

%pointer_functions(int, intp);
%pointer_functions(char, charp);

%include "arrays_java.i"
%include "typemaps.i"


#include <assert.h>

#include "test.h"

struct callback_data {
  JNIEnv *env;
  jobject obj;

void java_callback(int8* arg1, uint16 arg2, void *ptr) {
  struct callback_data *data = ptr;
  const jclass callbackInterfaceClass = (*data->env)->FindClass(data->env, "BroadcastCallback");
  const jmethodID meth = (*data->env)->GetMethodID(data->env, callbackInterfaceClass, "handle", "([C)V");

  jcharArray charArr = (*data->env)->NewCharArray(data->env, arg2);
  (*data->env)->CallVoidMethod(data->env, data->obj, meth, (jcharArray)charArr);



%typemap(jstype) callback_handle_broadcast_t cb "BroadcastCallback";
%typemap(jtype) callback_handle_broadcast_t cb "BroadcastCallback";
%typemap(jni) callback_handle_broadcast_t cb "jobject";
%typemap(javain) callback_handle_broadcast_t cb "$javainput";

%typemap(in,numinputs=1) (callback_handle_broadcast_t cb, void *userdata) {
  struct callback_data *data = malloc(sizeof *data);
  data->env = jenv;
  data->obj = JCALL1(NewGlobalRef, jenv, $input);
  JCALL1(DeleteLocalRef, jenv, $input);
  $1 = java_callback;
  $2 = data;

%include "test.h"

Java Interface BrodcastCallback.java

public interface BroadcastCallback {
    //public void handle(String broadcast);
    public void handle(char[] broadcast);

Implement the interface

class BtCallback implements BroadcastCallback {

    public void handle(char[] broadcast) {
        LOG.debug("Broadcast callback handled: " + broadcast.length);

Finally when used

BroadcastCallback cb = new BtCallback();
Test.set_handle_broadcast(cb, null);

There is no compilation error, but when program is run and and poll_broadcasts calls the handle broadcast function pointer (within C) passed from java, it crashes with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Looks like it has to do something with int8* arg of the function, but can't figure out

somebody please help.

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