I've had success using preprocess page hooks such as:
function mytheme_preprocess_page__node_front(&$variables) {
function mytheme_preprocess_page__node_12(&$variables) {
which correlate with custom templates named page--front.html.twig and page--12.html.twig, respectively.
I'm trying to implement the same hook and template pairing for a content type called Video. I understand that there is a difference in that my examples have been custom templates for specific pages while my goal is a custom template for an entire content type, but I got a custom template called node--video.html.twig that works as a template for all video pages. However when I try to write a hook based on this template name:
function mytheme_preprocess_node__video(&$variables) {
this does not work. I think that I either can't define a hook like this, or I'm just naming it incorrectly. I found a couple threads somewhat relating to this such as this that seem to imply that I need to define a hook for all nodes and then write an if statement that handles each type separately. So.......
Final Question: Can I define a hook for an entire content type, and if so what am I doing wrong?
In drupal 7 from zen template I used to use this generic solution. I think it is still a viable solution on drupal 8:
You can then now add preprocess function that will only works for you node type.
Instead of having one big function, each node type's preprocess logic has its own function. It's better for maintainability.
Use condition within the preprocessor to get the node type and then either do your logic within, or invoke another function.
You could in theory emulate what you are trying to achieve by trying to invoke a function named
mytheme_preprocess_node__" . $variables['node']->getType()
if it exists, but is too much fuss without a clear benefit.