I am working on project which has multiple dependencies. Most of the dependencies are available at our centralized maven repository. My project includes some JARs which only specific to my application and unavailable at our Maven repo. Due to some policy/restriction i cant deploy that jars to our maven repository.
When i install these jars in my local repository(i.e.UserHome/.m2/repository) and compile the code its working fine.
Now i want these dependencies in SVN so that we can build the application package using Continuum.(We cant refer local dependency from Continuum server.)
Just to achieve these i copied the locally installed dependency from .m2/repository and committed it in SVN. Then i declared repository in pom.xml like..
Now to use dependency from above repo i added code like...
When i type mvn verify i am getting the below error..
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project APP1: Could not resolve dependencies f
or project fileservices.migration2:APP1:jar:1.0: Failed to collect dependencies
for [repo.pu:Ptestval:jar:1.0 (compile)]: Failed to read artifact descriptor for
repo.pu:Ptestval:jar:1.0: Could not transfer artifact repo.pu:Ptestval:pom:1.0
from/to repo.pu (https://URL/migration2/APP1/src/main/lib/): Access denied to:
al/1.0/Ptestval-1.0.pom -> [Help 1]
Could you please someone help me to resolve these issue?
EDIT: I created a repository like ..
This technique works perfectly at my Personal laptop. Maven downloads the listed dependency from repo.
But when tries to use the same in my project on company network it is not working .. It gives the same error which i was getting before using this approach.
Can anyone help me please? What would be problem? Is it a network issue?
You must configure your project to use wagon-scm. See http://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/wagon-scm/usage.html
Set up a repository manager like Nexus and don't abuse Subversion for something it was not designed for. This is unfortunately done in Google Code.