All of the following is being done in Android Studio.
I have successfully compiled and tested the Android Watson Speech to Text demo app. I then created a library project containing the Watson related API's and a 2nd app project with a simple UI that references the Watson library project. The UI successfully starts and calls Watson speech to text api's. I thought I was set to use the Watson library project for real.
So I incorporated the Watson API project into my 'real' project. When I start the app connection to Watson I am getting:
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: initStreamToServerThread
Process:, PID: 25481
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native library (com/sun/jna/android-arm/ not found in resource path (.)
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibraryFromClasspath(
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibrary(
at com.sun.jna.Native.<clinit>(
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.<clinit>(
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance(
I have included speech-android-wrapper.aar in the libs directory and have included in the dependencies:
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
compile ''
compile(name: 'speech-android-wrapper', ext: 'aar')
My app is rather large and is using multi-dex'ing so I am wondering if this could a clue to what is going wrong.
I did run into one other issue with a AndroidManifest.xml manifest conflict in the application section that I resolved with adding:
I don't see how that could cause the link error but just throwing it out there in case I am missing the significance of it.
Looking for suggestions.
If you're referencing the module of "speech-android-wrapper", please use this configuration in your gradle:
If you're using AAR libs, please try this:
Icon issue was resolved already in another repo, will be merged to the Watson Developer Cloud repo soon.
Hope it helps.