I am using DataAdapter.FillSchema
to retrieve tables' schema from MS SQL. Unfortunately this doesn't return the default value for the columns. Is there a way to retrieve this value as part of the schema in a fast and efficient way as I need to examine hundreds of tables?
Default value is determined at the time of row insertion only.
As an alternative, you can utilize Information_schema
Try the following query:
There is no way you can do that by using FillSchema. For details check link below http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/229sz0y5.aspx
INFORMATION_SCHEMA is the place where you should look. INFORMATION_SCHEMA contains many system views which can show you details of database structure. for example
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES : shows you list of tables in the database INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS : shows you list of Columns and their attributes in all tables of the database. Please look at following location for more detail.
To get default value using query you can use following query:
you should try something like this to retrieve tables schema.
EDIT: Close quote on conString