There has been some discussion of the merits or demerits/evilness of using sys.setdefaultencoding(...) in python 2.x I'm using PyDev and I want to have the default 'out of the box' python behaviour (US-ASCII as default (non-)encoding), as I feel this is safer (I don't like the approach), even if more laborious.
When I'm using PyDev (particularly for running unittests) it be defaults calls sys.setdefaultencoding('UTF-8'). Other answers have recommended changing the encoding setting to 'US-ASCII' in each 'run configurations' Common tab.
I would like to change the default for all run configurations to 'US-ASCII' across pydev (per workspace) or at least globally for one Python interpreter. Is there a way to do this?
Having looked into the implementation: Pydev uses a PYDEV_CONSOLE_ENCODING environment variable to get the encoding (this is within the file in the org.python.pydev plugin). However this seems to be set from the setting of the run-dialog in the Run configurations drop down. The default says "inherited - UTF-8" but I haven't found anywhere to change this in pydev's settings. I've tried setting the environment variable PYDEV_CONSOLE_ENCODING in various places, but this hasn't got through to (instead it reads the value from the Encoding setting on the dialog tab).
You can change the default encoding at window > preferences > general > workspace > text file encoding (set it to other > us-ascii).