Currently, I've got he following code in an MSBuild
proj file. It's really simple. Define 4 variables and call my MSBuild Task once-per-variable :
Code please ~~
<ItemGroup><JS_File1 Include="file1.js"/></ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup><JS_File1 Include="file2.js"/></ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup><JS_File1 Include="file3.js"/></ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup><JS_File1 Include="file4.js"/></ItemGroup>
<JavaScriptCompressorTask SourceFiles="@(JS_File1)" OutputFile="@(JS_File1).min"/>
<JavaScriptCompressorTask SourceFiles="@(JS_File2)" OutputFile="@(JS_File2).min"/>
<JavaScriptCompressorTask SourceFiles="@(JS_File3)" OutputFile="@(JS_File3).min"/>
<JavaScriptCompressorTask SourceFiles="@(JS_File4)" OutputFile="@(JS_File4).min"/>
Nothing exciting at all.
I was wondering if this could be refactored to something like this.
Fail-Pseudo-Code ~~
<JS_File1 Include="file1.js"/>
<JS_File1 Include="file2.js"/>
<JS_File1 Include="file3.js"/>
<JS_File1 Include="file4.js"/>
<!-- now this is the shiz i have no idea about -->
<JavaScriptCompressorTask SourceFiles="@(theFile)" OutputFile="@(theFile).min"/>
Is it possible to do this, in MSBuild?
So that task is called once-per-file .. or more to the point, once-per-item-in-the-item-group?
You can use item metadata to batch the task (see
All items have metadata called 'Identity,' which contains the value of the Include attribute. If you use metadata reference syntax
, that will instruct MSBuild to execute your task for each unique Include value.Note that MSBuild knows that you are referencing the Identity metadata of the JS_File1 item group because you reference it in the task. Otherwise you would need to use the syntax
.Like this, except use your task not my copy....
Hope thats helps.