Since there is no logical OR
operator in Firestore, I am trying to merge 2 separate queries locally.
Now I wonder how I can keep up the proper order of the results. When I run 2 queries independently, I can't oder the results specificly (at least not the order in which I get the results from Firestore with the orderBy
My idea was to put the 2nd query inside the onSuccessListener
of the 1st query. Is this a bad idea performance wise?
public void loadNotes(View v) {
collectionRef.whereLessThan("priority", 2)
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
for (QueryDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot : queryDocumentSnapshots) {
Note note = documentSnapshot.toObject(Note.class);
//adding the results to a List
collectionRef.whereGreaterThan("priority", 2)
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
for (QueryDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot : queryDocumentSnapshots) {
Note note = documentSnapshot.toObject(Note.class);
//adding the results to a List
To merge 2 separate queries locally, I recommend you to use
method. You can achieve this, using the following lines of code:As you can see, when overriding the
method the result is alist
of objects which has the exact order of the tasks that were passed as arguments into thewhenAllSuccess()
method.There is also another approach and that would be to use
method. But according to the use-case of your app, you can use eiterwhenAllSuccess()
method orcontinueWith()
method. Please see here the official documentation.