there is 7707 languages listed in this link and
And also Unicode support the writing system of the languages, but i want to know mapping beetween the languages and unicode range.
Unicode range is listed in this link
Example one of unicode range : "start"=> "0x0900", "end"=> "0x097F", "block_name"=> "Devanagari" (what language use this range of unicode ?)
there is any documentation ? I need full languages mapping that are supported in unicode range.
You can take a look at ICU4C locale (
You can get all the locales (with uloc_getAvailable), then for each locale call uloc_addLikelySubtags, and then uloc_getScript on the result.
This is going to give you the most likely script used by a language. But there are languages that use more than one script. Some of them are captured by ICU, but some are not.