I am integrating twitter in my android app. I am able to authorize the app for the user. Now, I am looking for the API which gives me logged users information like first name, last name, email, etc. I had done this for facebook with
Now how to get user info from twitter? I am using twitter4j-core-android2.2.3.jar. Plz let me know is there a way to get user info.
You can check bellow code: To get user info you can use Twitter Fabric SDK. Its documentation is here and here
isimport com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton;
In this response you can get All credential without user Email.You cannot get Email from the twitter OAuth unless or untill your app is whitelisted. For more Info Email ID from Twitter
Finally I got user information.
use the access token you get after
There are a few tutorials here that can help you get an app running with twitter..
if you just need to retrieve info for a specific user, you can look here (includes source code):
Basic Adroid Twitter Integration
If you want to interact with twitter (e.g. post updates etc) then you will need to setup OAuth connection:
Android and Twitter integratin using OAuth