I want to design a shape as similar as the following image(effect between circle and rectangle):
I know the circle shape is designed using border-radius and the rectangle like shape is designed with some unordered list having style display: block. But I can't understand how to keep the circle over rectangle so that it looks like that some portion of the rectangle is cut down by the circle in a circle shape ( white color space between circle and rectangle).
I have tried box-shadow, outline, overflow and etc, but it is not working.
Can anyone tell me how can I design a shape as like as the image?
- Thanks
Check this out :)
Something like this? http://codepen.io/anon/pen/VvqRep
the "cut-off" effect is achieved using a border on the circle.
If my asnwser helped you out, can you please select it? thanks
use this: html and css code:
you can try this one: