When using setDuration() for a Toast, is it possible to set a custom length or at least something longer than Toast.LENGTH_LONG
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Sets toast to a specific period in milli-seconds:
Schedule a countdown until a time in the future, with regular notifications on intervals along the way. Example of showing a 30 second countdown in a text field:
After failing with every available solution, I finally had workaround using recursion.
I have developed a Custom Toast class with which you can show Toast for a desired amount of duration (in Milli seconds)
You may want to try:
to double the time. If you specify 3 instead the 2 it will triple the time..etc.
Use Crouton, it is a very flexible Toast library.
You can use it just like toasts:
or you can even go a little deeper and customise it more, like setting the time to infinite! for example here I want to show a toast message until the user acknowledges it by clicking on it.
Custome Layout that will be inflated for the toast.