I'm trying to make an app (for myself only) that will pronounce odd (fantasy) names properly. I found chrome's TTS api and W3C's SpeechSynthesis API however it would appear that Chrome strips all SSML tags before speaking the remaining text:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<speak version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis"
<!-- Phoneme representation is cut short to exaggerate problem -->
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="təmei̥"> tomato </phoneme>
How can I get the SSML in that JSFiddle to be pronounced properly in Chrome?
- Related Chromium Bug about TTS
- Resolved Chromium Bug about SpeechSynthesis (the fix was to strip SSML tags)
FYI I'm running windows so I can't use the mac-specific pronounication markup.
Thanks in advance!