I am currently using spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11
to connect my spark application with the kafka queue. For Streams everything works fine. For a specific scenario however I just need the whole content of the kafka queue exactly once - for this I got the suggestion to better use KafkaUtils.createRDD
(SparkStreaming: Read Kafka Stream and provide it as RDD for further processing)
However for spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11
I cannot figure out how to get the earliest and latest offset for my Kafka topic that would be needed to create the Offset-Range I have to hand of the the createRDD
What is the recommended way to get those offsets without opening a stream? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After reading several discussions I am able to get the earliest or latest offset from a specific partition with :
but still , how to replicate the behaviour of "from_beginning" in a kafka_consumer.sh CLI command is something I do not know by the KafkaUtils.createRDD aproach.