What I want to do is:
1) I'm inside an activity, there are 2 buttons. If I click the first one a shortcut is created in my home screen. The shortcut open an html
page that has been previously downloaded, so I want it to use the default browser but I don't want to use internet cause I already have the page.
2)The second button create another shortcut that starts an activity. And i want to pass to the activity some extra arguments (As strings for example)...........
Are those things possible? I found some link and some similar questions like Android: Is there a programming way to create a web shortcut on home screen
They seem to be the answer to my question but someone told me that this code is not gonna work on all devices and that is deprecated and that what i want to do is not possible.......
This technique is not recommended. This is an internal implementation, not part of the Android SDK. It will not work on all home screen implementations. It may not work on all past versions of Android. It may not work in future versions of Android, as Google is not obligated to maintain internal undocumented interfaces. Please do not use this
What means internal implementation? Is that code trustable or not.....help me pls.....
@Siddiq Abu Bakkar Answer works. But in order to prevent creating shortcut every time app launches use shared Preferences.
I've used it, but some devices on the home screen adds 2 icons. I did not understand??
The example code uses undocumented interfaces (permission and intent) to install a shortcut. As "someone" told you, this may not work on all phones, and may break in future Android releases. Don't do it.
The correct way is to listen for a shortcut request from the home screen-- with an intent filter like so in your manifest:
Then in the activity that receives the intent, you create an intent for your shortcut and return it as the activity result.