I need an applescript to open safari in full screen an to hide the toolbar on mavericks.
it sounds easy but it isnt!
i need to open safari then open google in full screen mode an then hide the toolbar.
it would be the equivilent to the below sample but instead for safari
tell application "Google Chrome" open location "http://internet.ceo.wa.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx" end tell
tell application "Google Chrome" to activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "f" using {command down, shift down} end tell
Easy way:
Could be simple as this:
Not sure if you can make it with no toolbar at all.
Update 4/4
not sure what you can do with it but look into this program. If it works the way you want. Add a system events to use the drop downs to select the item.
The Barbarian Group has a freeware app called "Plainview", which seems to be just a wrapper around Webkit. It works as a "Fullscreen kiosk-style presentation content viewer", similar to what Chrome presentation mode does.
Anyways, it's a free download, so no risk in trying. Scroll almost to the bottom of this page: http://barbariangroup.com
Direct download: http://s3.amazonaws.com/plainviewapp/plainview_1.0.178.zip