In Sybase and MSSqlServer TransactSQL, we have a function IsNull(columnName,valueForNull) to return a typed default value when a column value is null. How can I replicate this functionality in SQLite?
Example in TransactSQL:
select IsNull(MyColumn,-1) as MyColumn from MyTable
If MyColumn is null, this expression will return -1 as the value of MyColumn. Want to do something similar in SQLite.
(Yes, I know I can write my own wrapper function to handle this - that's not the answer I'm looking for)
You should use the standard COALESCE function:
Any database that understands standard ANSI SQL will support COALESCE so using it is a good habit to get into.
SQLite has the IFNULL() built-in function which would do what I think you're trying here.
You can use ifnull:
The SQL standard way to do this is with CASE:
Considerably more verbose than engine-specific IFNULL, ISNULL, NZ functions, but more portable.
(Or, as mu points out, you can use the much better COALESCE for this).