I have been searching around to find out anything that needs to be taken into consideration when upgrading to Universal Analytics.
I found this post:
Google Analytics - Upgrading to Async Code
He explains that if you are not doing anything advanced you should be ok. We have lots of event tracking in place that we would like to keep the same. We also have some Custom Variables I could do without and/or deal with in Custom Dimensions.
Other than that we have a fairly basic setup.
We do have a "keep alive" event in place also that helps determine an accurate time on site.
Another really important question has everything to do with being able to transistion from Classic analytics to Universal. Is this possible? I found an article that said it wasn't but that article was a couple months old and not sure if its still true.
I recently inherited a project loaded with Google Analytics and I had never worked with them before. The code migration to Universal Analytics was straightforward with the exception of moving from Custom Vars to Dimensions. Google's documentation does little to highlight this.
After some digging around I found a couple of things that I think may help others that are migrating:
1) Set up or edit custom dimensions & metrics
Note that when you set up the Dimensions you are provided with code snippets that you can copy & paste into your project.
2) How to use the code to send custom dimensions & metrics
This docmentation will help you understand the provided code snippets and learn how to better work with them.
I hope this info spares others some of the pain that I experienced going through this.
Universal Analytics is Google's newest tracking code. It is currently in beta phase, so you may want to hold off on it, depending on your resources... In principle it works more or less the same way as the async code. Here are the major points about it:
In addition to @Crayon-Violent's answer, be aware that the current Core Reporting API (v3) doesn't support retrieving custom dimension/metric data.
I've created a plugin like jQuery Migrate to backward compatibilty of eventTracking and other features. Allow developers to migrate old methods _gaq.push() to ga() object.
This month Google anounced that classical analytics properties can be upgraded to Universal without any data loss.
You can upgrade your analytics property from analytics admin panel. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/
In case of upgrade problems you can refer to Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ua-upgrade