Is there a way to sort a DataGridView in virtual mode?
I have implemented a Gridview in virtual mode following this microsoft example: . Also I have modified the example to be able to write data to database. This works out fine and the virtual mode gives a huge increase in speed, but my customer needs to sort the columns.
After searching the web for a while I found the Link , but can´t get it to work.
Could anybody point out how if there is way to sort columns in virtual mode and if so, how I would have to do it?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Ok, I´ve solved this now. Using the microsoft example ( ) I modified the DataRetrieverLog class to receive an additional value in the constructor: The column name to sort by (this includes the sort direction, e.g. "Name ASC"). For anyone interested, here´s the modified code:
In addition to that, I implemented the ColumnHeaderMouseClick-Event in my Gridview. In that I get the column name and the sort direction and then reload all underlying table data by creating a new DataRetrieverLog instance and passing the column name + sort direction. Next I just refresh the Gridview: gridView.Refresh()
Thats it.
EDIT (20.07.2015):
To make things a bit clearer, here´s the full way of getting a sortable DataGridView in Virtual Mode to work. It´s been a while since I was playing around with this, so I hope I can make it clear enough for you to get it working and haven´t missed out on anything. Three Helper classes are needed to get this to work:
…and the DataRetrieverAll.cs class:
So, how do I fill the Grid? I use another Helper-Class and call a method within the Helper-Class from the Main GUI- class:
Well, that´s the way I did it and it worked out well. I ended up not using it, but still have the code... It´s important to set grid.VirtualMode = true and to implement the ColumnHeaderMouseClick event for the grid in the Main class. Happy coding :-)