I made a module for Prestashop that will display content based on the given ID in parameter (&id=X).
I'd like to set a nice url for this module.
Using SEO and URLS, I see that it's possible, but it keeps the ?id=X in the url.
For example, if I define the url to my module to be
I will have the same links but with the different id :
What I'd like to do, is the following :
/pretty-module => will set id to 1
/even-prettier-module => will set id to 23
I didn't saw a "parameters" options in the SEO & URLS page in the Backoffice, so I'm wondering if it's possible to do this.
you need to hook to moduleRoutes,
1) in your module install method:
2) creating corresponding hook
module may have multi routes. the convention is module-[MODULE_NAME]-[MODULE_CONTROLLER_NAME]
array explanation:
controller - handler (modules/examplemodule/controllers/front/handler.php)
rule - curly braces are params.. you can get an idea from http://example.com/admin/index.php?controller=AdminMeta
keywords - here you configure your params (curly braces) defined in the rule.
usage example: http://example.com/promo/ADSGD
in controller 'handler':
tested on prestashop 1.6
reference: https://books.google.co.il/books?id=BsSiBQAAQBAJ&pg=PT134&lpg=PT134&dq=prestashop+module+Routes+hook&source=bl&ots=JCb_4oz6el&sig=JwoQfIsOnJ49VJ752fEb01ivMZ8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vH0QVePiDoXPaNSxgrAP&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=prestashop%20module%20Routes%20hook&f=false