i'm trying to upload my app engine project for the very first time and i have no clue why it is not working. the error from my terminal is:
[me][~/Desktop]$ appcfg.py update ProjectDir/
Application: tacticalagentz; version: 1
Host: appengine.google.com
Starting update of app: tacticalagentz, version: 1
Scanning files on local disk.
Error 404: --- begin server output ---
This application does not exist (app_id=u'tacticalagentz').
--- end server output ---
i'm using python 2.6.5 and ubuntu 10.04.
not sure if this is relevant, but i just created a google app engine account today. and i also just created the application today (like a couple of hours ago). this is really frustrating because i just want to upload what i have so far (as a demo). in my app.yaml this is my first line:
application: tacticalagentz
Furthermore, i checked on my admin console, and i CLEARLY see the app id right there, and it matches letter for letter with the app id in my app.yaml
could someone please enlighten me and tell me what i am doing wrong? or is it something beyond my comprehension (like indexing issue with Google that they need time to index my app id) ?
thank you very much in advance
I had the same problem. When I changed the name of the app I used in the launcher to match the one in the app engine, It worked without any problem. The way I figured out, it was the name mismatch which caused the problem. You can see the name of your registered app in the admin console of app engine.(https://appengine.google.com/)
apparently adding the "--no_cookies" parameter will work
the way i was able to find my answer was by uploading my app from my Mac OS X (thank god i have linux mac and windows). AppEngine on Mac OS X comes with a GUI interface, and it worked for uploading. so then i found the command they used in the console, which included "--no_cookies". perhaps if you run into similar issues in the future, this is one approach to getting the answer
An alternate option that worked for me is to just "Clear Deployment Credential" from the Control option of the GUI. When the app was deployed after this, it opened a google page to allow GAE to access the user profile and then deployment was successful.
Here's what fixed it for me: i had an instance of dev_appserver.py myProjDirectory/ on a different terminal.
i guess the scripts are somehow linked and aren't thread safe
The key bit is
which is telling you that appspot.com doesn't know of an application by that name. The admin console (https://appengine.google.com/) shows your applications. Check there. You might have made an inadvertent typo when you registered the app.
App Engine for Java have the same problem. The problem is about account login.
If you are using Eclipse, use Sign In button.
If u are using command-line, use "-e" option, like this: