After playing with F# agents I tried to do a map reduce using them.
The basic structure I use is:
- map supervisor which queues up all the work to do in its state and receives work request from map workers
- reduce supervisor does the same thing as map supervisor for reduce work
- a bunch of map and reduce workers that map and reduce, if one fails its work it sends it back to the respective supervisr to be reprocessed.
The questions I wonder about is:
- does this make any sense compared to a more traditional (yet very nice) map reduce like ( that uses PSeq ?
- the way I implemented the map and reduce workers seems ugly is there a better way ?
- it seems like I can create a 1000 000 map workers and 1000 0000 reduce workers lol, how should I choose these numbers, the more the better ?
Thanks a lot,
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
//This is the response the supervisor
//gives to the worker request for work
type 'work SupervisorResponse =
| Work of 'work //a piece of work
| NoWork//no work left to do
//This is the message to the supervisor
type 'work WorkMsg =
| ToDo of 'work //piles up work in the Supervisor queue
| WorkReq of AsyncReplyChannel<SupervisorResponse<'work>> //'
//The supervisor agent can be interacted with
type AgentOperation =
| Stop //stop the agent
| Status //yield the current status of supervisor
type 'work SupervisorMsg =
| WorkRel of 'work WorkMsg
| Operation of AgentOperation
//Supervises Map and Reduce workers
module AgentSupervisor=
let getNew (name:string) =
new Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>(fun inbox -> //'
let rec loop state = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| WorkRel(m) ->
match m with
| ToDo(work) ->
let newState = work:state
return! loop newState
| WorkReq(replyChannel) ->
match state with
| [] ->
return! loop []
| [item] ->
return! loop []
| (item::remaining) ->
return! loop remaining
| Operation(op) ->
match op with
| Status ->
Console.WriteLine(name+" current Work Queue "+
string (state.Length))
return! loop state
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Stoppped SuperVisor Agent "+name)
loop [] )
let stop (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) = agent.Post(Operation(Stop))
let status (agent:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>) =agent.Post(Operation(Status))
//Code for the workers
type 'success WorkOutcome =
| Success of 'success
| Fail
type WorkerMsg =
| Start
| Stop
| Continue
module AgentWorker =
type WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> =
{ Map:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>> ; Reduce:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'reduce>> }
let stop (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Post(Stop)
let start (agent:Agent<WorkerMsg>) = agent.Start()
let getNewMapWorker( map, supervisors:WorkerSupervisors<'reduce,'work> ) =
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop ()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = map work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) ->
| Fail ->
Console.WriteLine("Map Fail")
| NoWork ->
return! loop ()
| Stop ->
Console.WriteLine("Map worker stopped")
return ()
loop () )
let getNewReduceWorker(reduce,reduceSupervisor:Agent<SupervisorMsg<'work>>)=//'
new Agent<WorkerMsg>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Start -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
| Continue ->
let! supervisorOrder =
reduceSupervisor.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel ->
match supervisorOrder with
| Work(work) ->
let! res = reduce work
match res with
| Success(toReduce) -> inbox.Post(Continue)
| Fail ->
| NoWork -> inbox.Post(Continue)
return! loop()
|Stop ->Console.WriteLine("Reduce worker stopped"); return ()
loop() )
open AgentWorker
type MapReduce<'work,'reduce>( numberMap:int ,
numberReduce: int,
toProcess:'work list,
map:'work->Async<'reduce WorkOutcome>,
reduce:'reduce-> Async<unit WorkOutcome>) =
let mapSupervisor= AgentSupervisor.getNew("MapSupervisor")
let reduceSupervisor = AgentSupervisor.getNew("ReduceSupervisor")
let workerSupervisors = {Map = mapSupervisor ; Reduce = reduceSupervisor }
let mapWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberMap ->
AgentWorker.getNewMapWorker(map,workerSupervisors) ]
let reduceWorkers =
[for i in 1..numberReduce ->
AgentWorker.getNewReduceWorker(reduce,workerSupervisors.Reduce) ]
member this.Start() =
//Post work to do
|>List.iter(fun elem -> mapSupervisor.Post( WorkRel(ToDo(elem))))
//Start supervisors
//start workers
List.iter( fun mapper -> mapper |>start) mapWorkers
List.iter( fun reducer ->reducer|>start) reduceWorkers
member this.Status() = (mapSupervisor|>AgentSupervisor.status)
member this.Stop() =
List.map2(fun mapper reducer ->
mapper |>stop; reducer|>stop) mapWorkers reduceWorkers
//Run some tests
let map = function (n:int64) -> async{ return Success(n) }
let reduce = function (toto: int64) -> async{ return Success() }
let mp = MapReduce<int64,int64>( 1,1,[for i in 1L..1000000L->i],map,reduce)
I like to use MailboxProcessor for the reduce part of the algorithm, and async block that's invoked with Async.Parallel for the map part. It makes things more explicit, giving you finer control over exception handling, timeouts, and cancellation.
The following code was designed with Brian's help, and with the help of his excellent F# block highlighting "F# Depth Colorizer" plug-in for VS2010.
This code is meant to pull RSS feeds from yahoo weather server in a map-reduce pattern. It demonstrates how we can control execution flow from the outside of actual algorithm.
fetchWeather is the map part, and mailboxLoop is the reduce part of the algorithm.