I used the sample code on the Apple Dev site to learn how to set pre-composed emails, but is there a way to set precomposed SMS messages, similarly?
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PresentModalViewController is now deprecated in IOS 6. So i used
whole code is as following
First you have to add the framework
to your project and import the library"MessageUI/MessageUI.h"
. Then conform to the protocol<MFMessageComposeViewControllerDelegate>
.Now to send an SMS:
To catch the result of the sending operation:
The body property on MFMessageComposeViewController allows you to set the message body just like you can for an email.
Check out the documentation: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/MessageUI/Reference/MFMessageComposeViewController_class/Reference/Reference.html
See this article on Apple's Dev Center:
Sending an SMS Message