I'm guessing it's fgets, but I can't find the specific syntax. I'm trying to read out (in a string I'm thinking is easier) the last line added to a log file.
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@unique_stephen, your answer is flawed. PHP fseek returns 0 for success and -1 for failure. Storing the result in $begining (sic) and then later using it in a filter for ftell() isn't correct. If my reputation were higher I would have voted you down and left a comment. Here is a modified version of unique_stephen's function.
NOTE: PHP's fseek cannot manage to seek to the end of files larger than PHP_MAX_INT which is 32bit signed even on 64bit binaries.
You either have to read the file in line by line and save the last read line to get it.
Or if on unix/linux you might consider using the shell command tail
because last char can be\n
This one wont break for a 1 or 0 line file.
This looks like it is what you are looking for:
tekkie.flashbit.net: Tail functionality in PHP
It implements a function that uses fseek() with a negative index to roll up the file from the end. You can define how many lines you want to be returned.
The code also is available as a Gist on GitHub:
...Why just read the last line?