Before I was able to write something like this:
io.sockets.clients().forEach(function (socket) {
Now, I cannot and I get the error Object #<Namespace> has no method 'clients'
Is there another way to do this? This is with socket v1.0. (or 1.0.2 I think).
For this I know I can use io.emit()
, but I would like to iterate over the sockets and perform functions on them in a timer. I can refactor everything into callbacks and set the timer on io.on()
, but I think I would need to be able to use references (I think javascript would make a copy of the object socket
in this case instead of referencing it?)
Here's an example
io.sockets.clients().forEach(function (socket) {
I had got the same problem. Try using:
Hope it helps
This is my current solution:
If the info about all the connected sockets has to be send to a single socket then
If you want find out each connected clients. You can get them from
is a hash. The key is socket id and the value contain some useful info. e.g.request
. If you usepassport.socketio
. You can get authed user from that place.